Acton Youth Association

← Back | Last updated on 6 Nov 2024

About Organisation

We support our community with their social circumstances, providing access to key services. We also facilitate various activities to keep our youth occupied. Along-with preventative workshops for youths and parents.

Our office at the community centre is open Mon- Fri 10- 3pm. We support our community with their social circumstances by advocating and assisting them with their needs.

We carry out preventative workshops for youths and parents. Here at AYA we believe prevention is better than cure, topics include but not limited to grooming, online safety and radicalisation. This promotes discussions and awareness enabling our community to better safeguard themeselves both at a young age and older age.

Additionally, we facilitate various activities to keep our youth engaged such as football, boxing and table tennis for children aged 5- 16. Please contact us if you have any queries or if you would like to work with us.

Acton Youth Association
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Bollo Bridge Road
London, W3…
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