Mother and Child Welfare Organisation | MACWO

Organisation Member

About Organisation

Established in 2007, Mother & Child Welfare Organisation [MACWO] is a London based charity set up to provide support for vulnerable mothers and young people across our capital. Our work is centred on delivering direct community-level support, to the people who need it most. Our services are based on family values that support mothers, providing them with advice, skills and access to local authority services. We also connect with local prisons through our prison visit service which brings families together to create support groups. We work with ex-offenders, providing them with a path to a better life through personal and professional development and we support youth initiatives across London connecting local communities, authorities and groups with our youth to provide opportunities, developing our future leaders.

Contact Details

Mother and Child Welfare Organisation | MACWO

+44 7747 302134 email hidden; JavaScript is required
202 Uxbridge Road, London, W12 7JP