IPSEA - photo

Independent Provider of Special Education Advice

0 - 25 Free Online


Project availability

from 1 July 2024 to 1 July 2030


IPSEA (Independent Provider of Special Education Advice) www.ipsea.org.uk is widely recognised as the leading organisation in England providing free independent legal information, advice and casework support to families with children and young people, aged 0-25, with SEND. We also provide training to parents, carers and SEND professionals as well as work to influence local and national SEND policy.

We are a small organisation, with a current team of 11 full-time and 10 part-time staff. Our free services are delivered by 100 skilled volunteers who are at the heart of our work. Most of our trustees, staff and volunteers have children with SEND, or experience working in the SEND sector, so we are very much connected to and influenced by the community we support

Our aim is that children and young people with learning disabilities can access the educational provision they are legally entitled to. Our activity is therefore mainly targeted at parents and carers of children with SEND who can access free legal advice and casework support from IPSEA and so feel better able to enforce their legal rights to get the education for their child that they are entitled to by law.

Our SEND Legal Advice services include:

  • Advice Line: providing legal information and next step advice on any educational issue that relates to a child's individual special educational needs or disability.
  • Tribunal Helpline: providing advice on appeals and disability discrimination claims to the SEND Tribunal.  
  • Tribunal Support Service: our volunteers provide casework support for parents/carers and young people who are appealing a local authority decision or bringing a claim for disability discrimination.
  • Information Service: free email reply service which provides specific information on the rights of children and young people with SEND.
  • Website: includes free downloadable guides, model letters and other vital resources

SEND specialist

We are a specialist organisation delivering programmes tailored to children with Special Educational Needs & Disabilities and we have capacity to offer extensive 1:1 support. Contact us to discuss how we can support your child.



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