Freephone Advice Line and web-chat
Women and Girls Network
Project availability
from 26 March 2024 to 26 March 2028
Advice Line:
Call Freephone 0808 801 0660 or email [email protected]
Open Monday to Friday 10am to 4pm and from 6pm-9pm on Wednesdays
Our Advice Line offers free and confidential information, advice and access to on-going support for anyone who self identifies as a woman (aged 14+) and has been affected by domestic and/or sexual violence and abuse. The Advice Line is also open for professionals to access advice and support on cases relating to gender based violence.
Web Chat:
Access on our website: (just press on the ‘chat’ button)
Open Monday-Friday 10am-4pm and new extended time on Wednesdays from 6pm-9pm
Our one-to-one Live Chat provides specialist advice, information and support for anyone in London who self-identifies as a woman (aged 14+), and has been affected by domestic and/or sexual violence. Our chat also offers support to survivors’ family and friends and professionals who may need advice and information on how to better support survivors of domestic and sexual violence.